Asking a good question is extremely important when it comes to receiving accurate and constructive feedback!
When things go wrong, or you aren't seeing the results you would like to see, it's super easy to fall into a frustrated, negative mindset and make posts that tend to lean towards complaining, and it FEELS GOOD! Trust me, I know it does.
Complaining, and being distracted by frustrated emotions is not going to get you results.
It's super important to stay scientific and solution oriented so you can identify the problem and formulate a plan!
The best way to do this?
Ask a question that includes specific details.
Comments like "I've messaged a ton of people" or "I keep getting nos" or "I'm not getting sales" are not beneficial to you receiving constructive feedback.
Here is a template that will help you get constructive feedback:
My website is:
My script is:
My current offer is:
My past offers I have tested are:
I message___ a day
I have been testing for ____ days/weeks
I use _____ hashtags to find my affiliates
Remember, building a business is tough work!
Its going to be confusing, you are going to have questions, there are going to be times when you are frustrated and that’s OK!
It's important to be your own biggest advocate, if you are feeling frustrated, confused, or have any questions at all - don’t hesitate to reach out!
We are here to help YOU succeed but we won’t know you are struggling unless you reach out and share this super important info!