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Does Ali Shipping time really matter?
Does Ali Shipping time really matter?

High ship times on Ali Express. What do I do?

Danielle Moravek avatar
Written by Danielle Moravek
Updated over a week ago

Are you worried about high ship and delivery times?

Are you wondering if the times provided on Ali are correct?

Sometimes orders take a little long to ship out, sometimes they don't.

What we want you to focus on is ORDERS ORDERS ORDERS

A lot of people who are new to ecommerce spend a lot of time focusing on elements like "high ship times" - the reality is, the longer you focus on that, the longer you keep yourself from making sales.

When you start producing, you can always improve times and build a relationship with your supplier!

When my store took off, the first 100 orders were all China based and you know what?

I only had maybe 10 people ask me about status of their order.

  1. This is a great problem to have! This will be something to solve when you're rolling in sales. You will be able to conquer it and we'll be here to help!

  2. I was just very nice with the few customers that asked: customer service is KEY when running any business.

I know the times can feel scary when this is so new to us, but I promise, if you build a kick butt store and start producing, shipping times will be something you fix later on, no problem at all. ❤️

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