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What to do if Facebook disabled me or if I want to make sure that does not happen
What to do if Facebook disabled me or if I want to make sure that does not happen

How to properly verify your identity

Danielle Moravek avatar
Written by Danielle Moravek
Updated over a week ago

Hey Ladies!

Are you blocked on Ads manager? Or do you want to avoid that from happening?

Follow my steps below!

I know Facebook Ads are important to a lot of you. Want to take some steps to prevent your account from being disabled?

You need your real name on Facebook. My last name no longer says Ann-Marie (that is my middle name). I now have my full name on Facebook.

Login to your Facebook account

  1. Click on settings & privacy

  2. Click on personal & account information

  3. Click on Identity confirmation

  4. You need to add your address first, Facebook will tell you they are sending you a letter to your address. Once you get it, you'll add that code on these settings.

  5. After that, click on confirm your Identity.

  6. Add your drivers license or some form of ID. I suggest it match the address you are sending your note too.

I just wanted to include these steps so you can take action now.

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